Saturday, December 14, 2019

Education is FREEDOM, Illiteracy is SLAVERY

                    EDUCATION IS FREEDOM
                  ILLITERACY IS SLAVERY

Hello friends ! I am meeting you after such long time.Today I am going to share my views for a very noble cause. I was working with CHANGE VADODARA CAMPAIGN since last few months. I had attended a seminar of LEAAD India which gives knowledge of leadership to adolescent children. We had to submit a ACTION PROJECT which means a project you think would help the society. So, I decided to declare QUARTER OF AN HOUR- DANCE OF JOY (DOJ).

 Every Sunday I go to slum area near my home to teach illiterate children the ancient dance form of India Bharatnatyam. Below is my video describing my noble cause.


Please do like the video on youtube and also share your views on it on youtube.


Hi everyone! It has been more than a year since I wrote a blog, and many things changed in this one year. I missed writing blogs soo much an...