Nowadays,your lovely refrigrateres are killing ozone layer secretly.The reason is the A.C in refrigerators are known as chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs .Which when leaks can mix with air and take years to go to ozone layer.This loveable ozone layer can only absorb UV radiations of sun.when it reaches to ozone layer and eats it up like its food.
Nowadays,your lovely refrigrateres are killing ozone layer secretly.The reason is the A.C in refrigerators are known as chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs .Which when leaks can mix with air and take years to go to ozone layer.This loveable ozone layer can only absorb UV radiations of sun.when it reaches to ozone layer and eats it up like its food.
The ozone layer is an area in the stratosphere, between 20 and 40 kilometres above the surface of the Earth, where a rare molecule exists. This molecule is made up of atoms of oxygen, the gas that we normally breathe, but instead of two atoms of oxygen forming a molecule of O2, ozone is composed of three atoms of oxygen in the molecule and is known as O3.
Ozone is a poisonous gas that can cause damage to the lungs if it is inhaled in large concentrations. It has a very distinct acrid odour and is most often to be found near equipment that creates electrical arcs.
While ozone sounds like a nasty gas, it actually is of great benefit to mankind -- indeed all life on the surface of the Earth. The ozone layer shields us from deadly ultra-violet rays.
Back in the 1970s when satellites were beginning to examine the Earth's atmosphere, we started to notice that the ozone layer was being depleted, particularly around the South Pole. Incidents of skin cancer were increasing in extreme southern latitudes and we had no idea why this was happening. However, it soon became clear that two chemicals that were created by man were destroying the ozone and the natural processes were not able to replenish the ozone layer as fast as it was being destroyed. Nitrous oxide, a chemical emitted by automobiles, and chlorofluorocarbons, used in refrigerators and air conditioners, were the cause of the ozone depletion.
International agreements were put in place and technological solutions were found and soon cars sported catalytic converters that reduced nitrous oxide and new refrigerants were found to replace the Freon that formerly kept us cool. For many years, nothing seemed to happen, indeed, the problems appeared to get worse.
Now, 27 years after governments took action, we are finally seeing the levels of ozone increasing in the atmosphere.