Saturday, June 24, 2017

                                          JANTAR MANTAR                           

Hi everyone sorry because could not write blog for you all I have a favourite hobbie that is to write down about our most precious UNIVERSE. Jantar Mantar a place in Jaipur,India is one of ancient place where astronomers can research about our space. It has a collection of nineteen architectural astronomical instruments, built by the Rajput king Sawai Jai Singh II, and completed in 1734 CE. It features the world's largest stone sundial, and is a UNESCO World Heritage site.Now lets see about its astronomical instruments -

Rama Yantra-
The Rama Yantra consists of a pair of cylindrical structures, open to the sky, each with a pillar or pole at the center. The pillar/post and walls are of equal height, which is also equal to the radius of the structure. The floor and interior surface of the walls are inscribed with scales indicating angle of altitude and azimuth. Rama Yantras were constructed at the Jaipur and Delhi observatories only.The Rama Yantra is used to observe the position of any celestial object by aligning an object in the sky with both the top of the central pillar, and the point on the floor or wall that completes the alignment. In the daytime, the sun’s position is directly observed at the point where the shadow of the top of the pillar falls on the floor or wall. At night, an observer aligns the star or planet with the top of the pillar and interpolates the point on floor or wall that completes the alignment through the use of a sighting guide.
The floor is constructed as a raised platform at chest height, and is arranged in multiple sectors with open spaces between them. This provides a space for the observer to move about and comfortably sight upwards from the inscribed surface. The instrument is most accurate near the intersection of floor and wall, corresponding to an altitude of 45 degrees. Here, the markings are at their widest spacing, and give an accuracy of +/- 1’ of arc. For altitude readings greater than 45 degrees, the accuracy diminishes, and diminishes to +/- 1 degree near the base of the pillar.
     ☺Chakra yantra
The Chakra Yantra is the pair of upright metal circles in the photo. They stand between a pair of hemispheres (bowl shapes) lowered into the ground in front of and behind the metal circles. 
As for the Chakra Yantra, it is an instrument for finding the right ascension and declination of a planet or other celestial body observed at night.
To understand these coordinates, it may help if you visualize the earth's lines of longitude and latitude projected up onto the sky, such that the north star corresponds to earth's north pole. Earthly latitude is the angular distance north or south of the equator, and earthly longitude is the angular distance around the polar axis as measured from any arbitrary starting point - in this case, the meridian of Jaipur.
The projection into the heavens of earth's latitude lines is called the "declination", and the projection of earth's longitude lines is called the "right ascension". (See Basic Celestial Phenomena for more information about this.)
Now say you want to locate a planet in the sky. You do that the same way you would locate a spot on earth, by moving down from the north pole to the correct latitude and then moving around that circle of latitude until you reach the correct longitude. When you do this on the celestial sphere instead of the earthly one, you get the celestial coordinates of declination and right ascension.
The Chakra Yantra lets you measure these coordinates. The axis of the metal circle (I will discuss only one of the pair; the other is, apparently, the same) is perpendicular to the crossbar (notice where the axis is attached to the upright posts). The axis points towards the north pole, and the circle pivots around this axis. In the middle of the circle is a hole for attaching a sighting tube, which pivots around the circumference of the circle. (You don't see a sighting tube in the photo, because one is not currently attached to the instrument, so just pretend that it's there.)
To find a planet, imagine that the whole contraption, circle and sighting tube, is aimed at the north star (perpendicular to the crossbar), and that the planet is (let's say) 10 degrees below and 20 degrees to the right of the north star. Imagine how you have to move the sighting tube to see the planet. First of all, you pivot the sighting tube 10 degrees down the metal circle. This is the declination, 10 degrees below north, marked as such on the circle. Then you have to pivot the metal circle 20 degrees counterclockwise around its axis

Monday, March 20, 2017


☹Hi friends welcome back my post would impress you.I got idea of the topic when I was reading 'THE TIMES OF INDIA'.It was all about students leaving drugs and started utilizing mobiles.Let's check out impact of this e-drug.
The effect of mobile phone radiation on human health is a subject of interest and study worldwide, as a result of the enormous increase in mobile phone usage throughout the world. As of 2015, there were 7.4 billion subscriptions worldwide, though the actual number of users is lower as many users own more than one mobile phone. Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in themicrowave range (450–2100 MHz). Other digital wireless systems, such as data communication networks, produce similar radiation.
There is no evidence that mobile phone use increases the risk of getting brain cancer or other head tumors.
Mobile phone use does not increase the risk of getting brain cancer or other head tumors. As the United States National Cancer Institute explains: Radiofrequency energy, unlike ionizing radiation, does not cause DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Its only consistently observed biological effect in humans is tissue heating. In animal studies, it has not been found to cause cancer or to enhance the cancer-causing effectsof known chemical carcinogens.

The presence of a cell phone while two or more people are talking face-to-face can generate negative feelings toward the person who has his or her device visible. In two studies conducted at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom, researchers studied the effects of a mobile device during a nose-to-nose conversation. In the first study, 37 pairs of strangers were asked to spend 10 minutes talking to each other about an interesting event that happened in their lives within the past month. Half of the participants were seated in a secluded area with a mobile device present on a desk nearby whereas the other half remained without a cellphone. The results of the study showed that those who had a mobile device nearby were perceived less positive by the stranger, compared to the other participants without a cell phone present.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

                ⧭ WOMEN SAFETY APPS ⧭

1. VithU App

No one has the time to dial an emergency number when they are in danger. The VithU App lets a potential victim skip through the number-punching, and lets you push your power button twice to instantly send an SOS alert to contacts. Alert messages are sent out every two minutes to listed contacts, who will receive a message along with your physical location, which will get updated each time the message goes out. 

2. Raksha-women safety alert                   The Raksha app is designed to ensure that women stay safe always. The app comes equipped with a button, which will send alerts to your loved ones with your location in a situation of distress. You can select the contacts, which will be able to see your location. Moreover, if the app is switched off and is not working then also you will be able to send alerts by simply pressing the volume key for three seconds.     3.Himmat-                                                        The Himaat app is a free safety app recommend for women by the Delhi Police. In order to use the app, the user has to register at the Delhi Police website. Once the registration is complete the user will receive an OTP, which has to be entered at the time of completing the app configuration.                                                                             In a problematic situation if the user raises the SOS alert from the app, the location information and audio video will be directly transmitted to the Delhi Police control room following which the police will reach the location.                                                     4.Women Safety-                                             The next on our list is the Women Safety app that will inform and update your dear ones if you are stuck in an unsafe place. It will send all the details related to your location with just tap of a button.                                                                                       ] The app will send an SMS to a preconfigured number along with your location and a link of Google Maps. The app will also click two pictures with the front and rear camera, which are directly uploaded to the server.The Women safety app comprises of three coloured buttons based on the seriousness of a situation. So, you can tap the one you want depending on your situation.                                                                    5. Bsafe-                                                          The bSafe app ensures the safety and security of women. It allows contacts follow you through a live GPS trail and also set a timed alarm which goes off if you haven’t ‘checked in’. Moreover, it will also make your phone ring with a fake call and also notifies the emergency contacts with the location, video and even siren.Along with this, there is also a Guardian Alert button, which will immediately tell your friends or family members with the GPS location and video at the time of distress                          6. Shake2safety-

In this app the user needs to shake the smartphone or press the powerbutton atleast 4 times  to send an SOS text or call to the registered numbers. It works with the locked screen on and even without an internet connection. Moreover, the users will also have the ability to activate or deactivate the option of shaking the device to send an alert. 

7. Safetipin-
Safetipin is one of the good options when it comes to safety apps for women. The app is designed keeping in mind the concept of personal safety. It incorporates all the essential features such as GPS tracking, emergency contact numbers, directions to safe locations etc.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017



Nowadays,your lovely refrigrateres are killing ozone layer secretly.The reason is the A.C in refrigerators are known as chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs .Which when leaks can mix with air and take years to go to ozone layer.This loveable ozone layer can only absorb UV radiations of sun.when it  reaches to ozone layer and eats it up like its food.

The ozone layer is an area in the stratosphere, between 20 and 40 kilometres above the surface of the Earth, where a rare molecule exists. This molecule is made up of atoms of oxygen, the gas that we normally breathe, but instead of two atoms of oxygen forming a molecule of O2, ozone is composed of three atoms of oxygen in the molecule and is known as O3.

Ozone is a poisonous gas that can cause damage to the lungs if it is inhaled in large concentrations. It has a very distinct acrid odour and is most often to be found near equipment that creates electrical arcs.

While ozone sounds like a nasty gas, it actually is of great benefit to mankind -- indeed all life on the surface of the Earth. The ozone layer shields us from deadly ultra-violet rays.

Back in the 1970s when satellites were beginning to examine the Earth's atmosphere, we started to notice that the ozone layer was being depleted, particularly around the South Pole. Incidents of skin cancer were increasing in extreme southern latitudes and we had no idea why this was happening. However, it soon became clear that two chemicals that were created by man were destroying the ozone and the natural processes were not able to replenish the ozone layer as fast as it was being destroyed. Nitrous oxide, a chemical emitted by automobiles, and chlorofluorocarbons, used in refrigerators and air conditioners, were the cause of the ozone depletion.

International agreements were put in place and technological solutions were found and soon cars sported catalytic converters that reduced nitrous oxide and new refrigerants were found to replace the Freon that formerly kept us cool. For many years, nothing seemed to happen, indeed, the problems appeared to get worse.

Now, 27 years after governments took action, we are finally seeing the levels of ozone increasing in the atmosphere.

Girl in the city

Hi everyone! It has been a long time since I got the chance to continue writing my blog but I thought this was a great time to write one :) ...